Young People

In today’s World Online Reputation Matters #Fact.

“98% of recruiters will check you out online and judge you within seconds!”

“One in 4 relationships begin online!”

I’m a dad and whilst my children are still very young, the reality of the digital world is one that they have been born into. It’s the world they will grow up in, make mistakes in, contribute to and hopefully make a difference.

My children will get the benefit of my knowledge when it comes to their digital upbringing but realistically it’s those young people today that are having the most problems. We personally believe it’s the hardest time to be a child, young person or parent. This transitional phase in society is difficult, so sharing content and knowledge is the only way we can hope to address the issues of cyberbullying, cybersafety, online misuse, social engineering and online reputation management.

What’s online needs to tell a positive story about who you are. What you do online reflects who you are offline. Take Control of your Online Reputation. To arrange an ‘Online Reputation Matters’ Talk or Session ask your school or organisation to call 050 7198467 or email

Are you a parent, teacher or work with young people?

Get Our FREE eBook on Beating Cyberbullying and receive updates on events and special offers.


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